Wednesday, January 27, 2010


sometimes we have to fall to know why we should stand
sometimes we need to bow to be able to rise
sometimes we have to be wounded to receive healing
sometimes we must go away, so we can come home
sometimes we have to get lost so that we can be found
sometimes we need to die, so we can know how to live
sometimes we have to listen to be able to speak
sometimes we have to be hurt to be able to love
sometimes we need to be lonely so we can value true friendship
sometimes we have to be apart to know why we should stay together
sometimes we must be hungry, so we can be filled
sometimes we have to feel war to know what peace is
sometimes we must be a prisoner, so we can be free
sometimes we have to experience what is wrong, to know what is righteousness
sometimes we have to discover the small things to understand that there is something bigger
sometimes we need to see, so that we can know
and sometimes, we have to believe