Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lifes journey

Life is a journey. full of surprises, good and bad. full of possibilities to both good and evil. I am a creation. among many others. created with the opportunity to have a close relationship with my creator. which created me unique and totally different from all others.
life is a journey between heaven and earth. some times more heaven. some times more earth. some times up high. some times down low. some days light. other days darkness. a journey full of contradictions. freezing coldness and intense heat. mighty mountains and fearful valleys. lifeless desert and enormous waterfalls in evergreen rainforests. The diversity of the nature draws a picture of the diversity of life, and the many different seasons that appears. some more challenging and intense than others. but all important to live through, to be able to travel further on life's journey.

The Amazon.. what can I say? WOW. being on a boat for 5days down the amazon river. sleeping in a hammock. watching a red sun going down over the wild jungle while dolphins jumps around the boat. being invited home to a family, staying there without knowing a word in Portuguese, and they not a word in English. eating whatever I get no matter colour or shape. travelling around in Brazil. what a huge country. so diverse. ending up at the coast. big cities. favellas. long beaches. enormous waves.
The more I travel, the more I realize that the most beautiful created is love. and the most important thing in life is to have good and loving relationships with God and each other. I came to point in my travel where I had to choose to either learn the language completely, try to understand every aspect of the culture, and make a difference by creating close relationship with suffering people around me, or I had to go home, to be close to family and friends that loves me. I chose to go home, and being the christmas gift for my mother! so here I am.. cold, snowy, beautiful Norway. so different. another world?!
The journey didn't finished, it just chose another direction. thank you all for praying for me. and I hope you will continue to pray. God has done great things in me, for me and through me, and He'll continue to do no matter where I am.

So many things have I seen, and yet so little. so many things have I experienced, but yet so few. so many people have I met, so many stories have I heard, and I realize how little I know about life. I have never been so hungry that I went through the garbage bags in the street to look for something to eat. but I know quite a few that does it every day. it is not numbers. it is people with names. I want to wish you, and all the children, the old and the cripples in the streets of Brazil a Merry Christmas. I love you all. God loves you more, He sent Jesus. Thank You Father


  1. ÅÅ, Janne!
    Fyrst av alt er eg glad for at du er heime med familien i jola, og glad for at du valgte å følgje Gud heim. Det var ei sterk avgjering du tok. Eg har såå stor respekt for grunnen til at du reiste heim. Heilt fantastisk, Janne.
    Men, steike for ei skildring av Brasil og det du opplevde. Det må ha vore for mange inntrykk på ein gong.
    Bønnene mine er fleir og sterkare no som du må tilpasse deg Noreg att. Eg veit at det vert vanskleg for deg dei neste vekene!
    Guds signing til deg og jolefeiringa di.
    Super glad i deg:)

  2. Hei er du hjemme igjen? wow har sikkert vært en fantastisk tur, eg er litt misunnelig ;-) =)
