Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today, I've seen...

...many tuck tucks
...a wonderful Philippino man who had teaching with us about Shan culture
...too many white men with Thai women
...a buddhist tample
...many buddhist munks Englishman who stood outside our window all night long, singing "Iwill not go away"
...street dogs and cats
...a little boy looking like Christ Mena
...a PIANO (flygel..) and I played it... Happiness


  1. Janne! I wish I could go with you. Right now I am in Poland. It's exciting, but also exhausting. I hope you feel better know. You are in my heart and thoughts.

  2. Thank you so much dear. I am still sick, and I can really feel the fight that is going on in my heart. I know God wants me to be here, but there is someone else that really wants me to go back to Norway. But God is the strongest! Thank you for prayer.

  3. Hei frøken:D
    Jeg bare droppa innom for å si at jeg er glad i deg og tenker på deg, håper og ber om at du blir bedre snart.

    Hugleik från Malin
