Saturday, November 14, 2009


Guyana is different, and it's alike any other nation. a lot of things are not as they should be. electrical companies comes regularly to cut off the electricity from our poor neighbors. the news are full of suicide, demon possession, murders. everyone knows somebody who is being sexual abused, or mistreated. children and adults. I know a few already... just across the street...

The last days has taken forever. the medicine which I got for the nail boor knocked me out- and at the same time enabled me to sleep.. that has lead to hours - days on my back, too worn out to do anything but thinking, missing my family, missing my friends.. feeling lonely, though I know I'm not. I want to go home, or travel further, but I know God wants me to be right here for this special time, the days are just so s l o w... But the man stopped complaining about not having shoes when he met a man without a leg..Yesterday I went to the hospital. I met Nyelini, who had been sitting next to her son's bed the last three weeks. her eyes were drowsy, because of lack of sleep, she had a fever, and she carried the pain of her little one. two months old, and the tiniest baby I'd ever seen. His lounges didn't work properly, and he was only getting worse.. the child next to his bed was already dead. I realized my days are wonderful... and if nothing else, I can spend my time praying for those who really suffer!

Please pray with me for this little boy, that God will do a miracle!
Pray for rain. a lot of people don't have water.

(God has humor: I felt so lonely the other day, and prayed that God would send someone to me from my nation, to talk to, who would understand, the next day the head line in the news paper said that Erik Solheim had come to Guyana....)

1 comment:

  1. Hehe.. Du og Erik Solheim må bli buddies! Eg las ein artikkel om Guyana på her om dagen. Dei er flinke til å bevare regnskogen i Guyana, visst!
    Kjedleg å høyre at du er einsam..! Men, eg håpar at ting vert betre. Det er nok ikkje lett å vere der når du kjenner på kroppen at det er mange som har det grusomt rundt deg!
    God be with you:)
    Du er sterk og beundringsverdig, Janne!
