Sunday, November 8, 2009

embrace life in every way...always

God creates beauty out of brokenness. the seed needs to break before the plant can come up from the ground. the egg needs to break before the chicken can come out and start to grow. Brokenness is not about the sircumstances, but about our reply om what happens. the same sun that melts the butter, hardens the clay. when challenges appears, we can either choose to run away from them or we can embrace them, knowing that God's truth and faithfulness will carry us through. how will we ever grow if we are not willing to face - and overcome the challenges...

Life is a journey, it takes you to the high mountains, and it brings you down in the deep valleys. I've experienced this in an intense way the last week. spiritually, menthally, and physically. one day on a mountain top - the next in the deep valley. it teaches me so much, sometimes too much, more than I can bear. it fills me to the fullest - and it totally wears me out. Both brings me om my knees. one in greatest awe of God, the other in greatest dependancy of Him.

Right now I'm having a hard time accepting some of the things in this culture. I'm forced to use my money to buy new clothes - because what i have is not good enough for this culture. it makes me angry and frustrated. why should I spend money buying clothes I don't need, when i know so many who really need the money - for food...
Everytime someone yells I feel it like a slap in my face - and that's the way people communicate with each other...
Everytime I hear the neighbors hitting their children, I cry - and that happens pretty often.

This weekend i've been working with some of the guys, breaking down a building, so we can build a basketball court on the land instead. by the end of the last day I managed to step on a piece of wood, and two long rusty nails went through my shoe and into my foot. A guy named James had to come and drag the nails out of my foot. unfortunately my tetanus shot had expired, and the hospital were closed. but they cleaned my foot, and burned inside the wounds - like they do in Guyana. (yes, it was pretty painful). today I went to the hospital to see a doctor. I got the injection and some antibiotics..

But even if some days are a bit challenging, God keeps filling me with His love, and I enjoy to build and grow in my relationship with my Father. I talked to a woman in the hospital with incredibly pains. I prayed with her, and I asked her "do you know that Jesus loves you? do you know that you are His precious daugther?" she looked at me, her sad face was now shining, and she said; "yes, I know! - because I can see it in your eyes. God's love shines through you. thank you!" Those moments is what keeps me here, and makes me believe it's worth it...

Please pray for protection from any illness. every day I am surrounded by sick people.
Pray for strength and a owerflow of joy!
yours in Christ - jannemor

1 comment:

  1. Janne, for ein utfordrande kvardag du har. Så heldig du er som kan vise kjærleik til nokon som treng det, kvar einaste dag. Men, det betyr òg at du gjer av deg sjølv heile tida, så du må passe godt på deg sjølv. Ta i mot kroppens signal når han seier at han er sliten, i staden for å presse deg sjølv til du møter veggen.
    Eg beundrar deg, Janne, og eg har sååå utruleg mykje å lære av deg!
    Du utstrålar Guds kjærleik til meg gjennom bloggen din:)
    Guds signing til deg og dei rundt deg!
